Close Encounters – Best Ever Sci-Fi Movie?

Close Encounters – Best Ever Sci-Fi Movie?

Alright, space cadets and cinephiles, buckle up your tin foil hats and grab your mashed potato sculpting kits, because we’re about to dive deep into the mothership of all sci-fi flicks: “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” Is it the best sci-fi movie ever made? Well, strap in and prepare for some hot takes hotter than an alien probe, because we’re about to find out!

Spielberg’s Alien Lovefest: Still Giving Us Chills

Let’s face it, folks: Steven Spielberg has a thing for aliens. But before he made us weep over a wrinkly, Reese’s Pieces-loving extraterrestrial, he gave us the ultimate cosmic mind-bender with “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” This 1977 masterpiece is like the cooler, older sibling of all alien movies – the one that sneaks you beer at family gatherings and teaches you how to hotwire a car.

From the moment Richard Dreyfuss starts sculpting his mashed potatoes into Devil’s Tower, you know you’re in for a wild ride. It’s like watching a man have a midlife crisis, but instead of buying a sports car, he’s building a mountain in his living room. And let’s not forget the iconic five-note alien greeting – a tune so catchy, it makes the “Macarena” look like amateur hour. I bet even now, some of you are humming it. Don’t lie, I can hear you!

But what really sets “Close Encounters” apart is its ability to make alien contact feel both terrifying and awe-inspiring. It’s like going on a Tinder date with the entire cosmos – you’re not sure if you’re going to get probed or fall in love. And speaking of love, can we talk about that light-up jacket Dreyfuss wears? It’s the perfect blend of “I’m ready for alien contact” and “I’m also ready for a rave in 1997.”

Why ‘Close Encounters’ Makes E.T. Look Like a Chump

Now, I know some of you die-hard E.T. fans are probably reaching for your Speak & Spell to call me names, but hear me out. While E.T. is undoubtedly adorable (in a “so ugly it’s cute” kind of way), “Close Encounters” gives us aliens with real mystique. These beings aren’t here to eat your Reese’s Pieces or hide in your closet – they’re here to blow your mind with a light show that would make Pink Floyd jealous.

And let’s talk about that ending, shall we? While E.T. goes home with a tearful goodbye and a glowing finger, “Close Encounters” gives us a finale that’s part cosmic ballet, part intergalactic rave. It’s like watching the universe’s most epic DJ battle, complete with lights, music, and what I can only assume is some killer alien bass drops. Plus, Richard Dreyfuss gets to board the mothership – talk about a stellar upgrade from a bicycle ride across the moon!

But perhaps the most significant difference is in the message. While E.T. teaches us about friendship and acceptance (aww, how cute), “Close Encounters” tackles the big questions: Are we alone? What’s our place in the universe? And most importantly, how do you explain to your spouse that you need to tear up the living room to build a mountain because some aliens told you to in a dream? It’s deep stuff, folks.

So, is “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” the best sci-fi movie ever? Well, that’s like asking if Pluto is a planet – it’s going to start some heated debates. But one thing’s for sure: it’s a cosmic masterpiece that continues to inspire, amaze, and make us all a little wary of mashed potatoes. So next time you’re looking for some out-of-this-world entertainment, skip the phone home and opt for a close encounter of the Spielberg kind. Just don’t blame me if you start hearing five-note tunes in your head or feel the sudden urge to sculpt your dinner. May the force – oops, wrong movie – may the cosmic vibes be with you!

Pick up a copy today and decide for yourself… Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Best Ever?

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